Monday, November 2, 2015

3-Day Detox Juice Cleanse - J3

So...I've caved in and decided to try the 3-day detox cleanse that every other girl has been doing! I hesitated quite a bit because I always have problems with my gastric. Didn't take care of myself well when I was schooling. During exams period then, I always stayed up late, drinking 2-3 cups of coffee per night so that I could study until 2-3am and then go to school at 6.30am for exams. I don't know how this 3-day detox programme will affect me, especially when I cannot eat solid food etc.

One reason why I decided to try is because of Groupon!!! Saw Groupon had a deal with J3. 21 bottles of juices for 3 days going for $99.80 instead of the usual $130.80. It's one of the cheapest out there with this Groupon deal. Cold-pressed jucies from other vendors are usually $200 onwards. Maybe because those come in bigger bottles of 500ml?  Anyway J3 juices are 350ml only..I was a little skeptical as to whether 350ml is enough to keep me full :x

I opted for the fundamental package.
  • 21 bottles of 350ml cold-pressed juices
  • Fundamental Package:
    Mixture of 4 types of Detox, 2 types of Refresh and 1 Nut Milk a day for 3 days.
    • Detox Type 1 x 3
    • Detox Type 2 x 3
    • Detox Type 5 x 3
    • Detox Type 7 x 3
    • Refresh Type 1 x 3
    • Refresh Type 4 x 3
    • Nut Milk x 3
They were all delivered at once last evening in a jumbo cooler bag! Excited to try!

Instructions in the cooler bag!
All 21 bottles in the fridge!

I read online that it is advised to have warm glass of lemon water first thing in the morning before starting on the juices. It is supposed to jump-start your metabolism so I religiously followed as well.

Day 1
I wasn't thinking enough and after my warm glass of water I wen to the gym to have my morning 4km jog!

My mum said I am crazy to go jogging in the morning because she thinks I'll be hungry after the workout and I can only survive on juices and water the whole day. Oops.

But so far so good for the first day. Resisted joining my colleagues at the pantry when they packed back their lunch...Hopefully I can endure these 3 days without hiccups!

End of Day 1:
Didn't manage to finish all the juices. Skipped Refresh Type 4 and ended the day with Nut Milk. Reason why I didn't finish the juices is because I didn't drink the juice every 2h. I dragged it to 3h and had plain water in between. Felt too bloated. I read reviews saying that the best drink out of all these juices is the Nut Milk but I actually hated it. It's more diluted than the cow's milk or almond milk you can get at the supermarket and drinking milk on an empty (non-solids) stomach just made me want to throw up. I tried throwing up but of cos there was nothing except water/mucus.

 I also had hot flashes and neck aches and I thought I was having a low grade fever but my mum said I'm just imaging it :(

Day 2:
Drank warm lemon lime water first thing in the morning but I skipped the morning jog. Everything was okay until about 2pm. By then I already drank 3 bottles of juice. Had headaches, backaches, neck aches... Not enough to kill me but enough to make me think of ending work earlier to go home to nap. I also experienced hot flashes again. These prompted me to google about the "side effects" of juice cleansing.

According to a few websites, what I am experiencing is actually termed as "Healing Crisis" and this occurs when the body attempts to remove toxins faster than the body can actually process.

Quoted from
"Healing symptoms will often retrace symptoms of the past. The body begins to repair itself by healing conditions in the reverse order to that which they occurred originally."

And another from
"If you were prone to headaches, while detoxifying, the headaches will get even more severe."

After reading these websites, I felt relieved. Okay not dying! Haha! But it makes sense because I used to complain a lot of upper back aches, neck aches and headaches and now they are all coming back!

Anyway I did end work earlier, took a cab home and napped for half an hour. Felt so good after!! I didn't manage to finish all the juices again. Left one bottle of Detox Type 5 untouched. I tried drinking the Nut Milk again at 9.30pm because I didn't want to go hungry at night and still felt horrible after finishing the bottle. Don't like it at all.

Day 3: Drank warm lime water first thing in the morning. I felt hungrier than the previous 2 days. Was a little upset that I didn't wake up earlier to do a short jog. But I can't wait for the 3-day cleanse to end because I have all sorts of cravings. My senses become sharper and I keep thinking about how fragrant Boon Tong Kee Chicken Rice smells and how the feeling of having the rice in my mouth would be like! Haha!!

The aches are not as bad as the second day. And I managed to finish all the jucies and drank the Nut Milk down unwillingly :x But I didn't enjoy the jucies on the last day as I think they are not as fresh since they have already been in the bottle for almost 4 days including the day they juiced and bottled and delivered them to my place.

Conclusion: I weighed myself end of Day 2 and realized I lost 1.5kg although I didn't have strong bowel movements. Mum said since I didn't have any solid food so it's understandable but my friends said they did experience stronger bowel movements.. Some of my blouses felt a little more loose especially around the armholes. Oh! I really ate Boon Tong Kee Chicken rice after my cleanse and I bet I gained back all the weight that I lost.

Will I try this detox cleanse again? Probably..but maybe I'll try another juice company and then compare how the juices from various companies taste! 


  1. Hi admin, thanks for sharing your knowledge, you can check out our Residential Juice Fasting Detox at The Beach House- Goa, India

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